Add Customer Deposit to a Parts Counter Invoice Temporarily

Add Customer Deposit to a Parts Counter Invoice Temporarily

If a customer wants a printout of the deposit they made on a Parts Counter Invoice, you can "temporarily" create a line item for the deposit. It will subtract from the amount they owe, giving them the current balance, and can also be printed.

Here's how:
  1.  Open the Parts Counter invoice. 
  2. Right-click in the parts field and select Return/Credit.
  3. Select "Buy-Out / Quick Part"
      4.   Type in the description: "Customer Deposit." (See red box highlight in the screenshot below.) 
      5.   Make sure to uncheck the "Taxable" and/or "Earn MaxxBucks" boxes at the bottom left. (See blue box highlight in the screenshot below.)

      6. Click OK, then use the OK/Save button to print out a copy for the customer.

Important: Make sure to delete all Customer Deposit lines off of the Parts Counter Invoice prior to completing and closing it.

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