Product codes are a great way to extract greater detail from parts sales, inventory, and labor sales reports. MaxxTraxx has two default groups built in: GI for parts General Inventory, and GL for General Labor. You can add to those groups for greater tracking of parts and labor.
Adding parts groups take a few more steps so we will cover those first.
Add a part product code to a NEW part you are bringing into inventory:
Go to the Parts menu at the top of MaxxTraxx and select Parts List. Once the Parts Search window opens, select "Add Part".
From the Add New Part Wizard window, enter the part number, description, part type, and barcode SKU as needed. Click "Next".
This will take you to the details window. Locate the Product Code box, the click on "Select"
This opens the Part Product Codes window. If the product code is already there, simply select it for your part. If you wish to add a new code, click the "Add Product Code" box.
Within the Part Product Code window, create the new code, description, and accounting information for the code. The default account codes are 13000 for inventory asset, 40000 for income, and 50000 for cost of goods.
You should never change or add new account numbers without verifying them with your accountant or bookkeeper.
Click "Save" when you are finished.
Once back in the Part Product Code window, highlight the new code you are applying and click on "Select".
You can now finish adding the part to your inventory.
To add a product code to existing inventory:
From the Parts Search window, highlight the part you are adding to a new group and click the "Edit" box.
From the Part Record window, find the Product Code line then click on the "Select" box next to it.
This will open the Part Product Codes window. From there you can add a new Product Code like we did above, as well edit existing codes. Highlight the product code you will be using and click "Select".
You can change the default Product Code by right-clicking the highlighted code and selecting "Set as Default". Check with your Accountant or Bookkeeper before making the change
Once the part is added to the new group, go through your existing inventory and add parts to the group as needed.
Adding a labor code to a new Labor Operation:
From the Manager menu at the top of MaxxTraxx select the Labor Service List. Once the Labor Search window opens click on the "Add Labor Service" box.
To change the Labor Product Code on an existing labor, choose the "Edit" box. The overall process is similar.
Add the labor operation like you normally would. Once in the Details tab, click on "Select" next to the Product Code line.
In the Labor Product Code window, fill in the information about the code you are adding. The default labor income account is 41000.
You should never change or add new account numbers without verifying them with your accountant or bookkeeper.
Click "Save" when you are finished.
Review labor operations and add them to the various groups you have created.
It is not possible to change Parts or labor Groups from repair orders or appointments.