The Customer Record Options procedure explains how to use the various features available with
the Customer Options buttons. The main function of the Options button in the Customer Record is to manage the
Accounts Receivable transactions for the customer including deposit on account; view, edit, or delete a
transaction; create an invoice or credit; refund a credit on account; print a statement; change the
customer type; access the phone dialer; and review and/or print the customer history.
Customer List
Click on Quick Picks / Customer List or click on Customer at the top toolbar then select Customer List.
This will bring up the customer search window. You can search by Customer name, License, Unit #, VIN, Phone, and Year, Make, Model by clicking on the tab you wish to search by. Start typing what you're searching by and it will populate in the Name Indicator box. You do not need to click in the Name location box just start typing.
Wild Card Search
Click the "Use Wildcard Search" to search by first name. With the "Use Wildcard Search" to search by partial information. I.e. if you know the customer's last six (6) of the VIN, you can click on the VIN tab and enter in the last 6 of the VIN. The system will search all the VIN numbers that have those last six (6) VIN numbers.
Show Deleted Customers
Click the "Show Deleted Customers" to see the Deleted Customers. To reactive a Deleted Customer, right-click on the name (it will show in red) and "Undelete Customer".
Once you've found your customer, double click on their name. This will put you into the customer record.
Note: With the customer name highlighted, the right-click
provides access to some of the features available under
the Options button without having to open the customer
Customer Options
Click the Customer Options button to display the drop list of features
Deposit On Account
Select Deposit On Account to open the data entry window
to enter Date, Deposit Amount, Payment Method (and
Check Number for payment by check), Notes, then click
the OK button; click Yes to print a receipt if applicable.
The Deposit on Account will show in the Credit Available
field on the General screen of the customer record until an invoice is selected for payment and the credit on
account is applied as a method of payment to the invoice.
View A/R Transactions
Select View A/R Transactions to open the window listing
A/R Transactions. The transactions are currently filtered to show "Open Invoices and Credits". The change the viewing options, click the down arrow by Open Invoices and Credits. You can choose This Fiscal Year to Date, Last Fiscal Year, This Fiscal Quarter to Date, Last Fiscal Quarter, Last Month, and Custom. The top right corner will have 3 checkboxes:
- Check the Show Deleted Transactions box to include any
deleted transactions on the A/R Transactions list. Voided
transactions are always displayed on the transaction list.
Deleted transactions are hidden unless this box is
- Check the Show Credit Applied box to display credits that
have been used to pay an invoice. All payments and
credits appear on the transaction list; however, the date
and amount of the credit applied are hidden unless this
box is checked.
- Check the Show Non-A/R Payments to display payments
made to the customer that were not generated from the
customer’s account, i.e. a check written to the customer
for something other than an A/R Refund check.
There are six (6) buttons at the bottom that you can Edit, Delete, Void, Print, Find, or Close.
- Click the Edit button to open the General Journal Entry
screen of a highlighted transaction created on the service
counter to view that invoice or edit a deposit on account;
an invoice; or a credit created from within the customer’s
account. If any of these transactions have been applied to
(a credit or deposit on account) or have been paid (an
invoice), the transaction can only be viewed, not edited.
- Click the Delete button to reverse a transaction and
remove it from the transaction list. To display deleted
transactions, check the Show Deleted Transactions box.
- Click the Void button to reverse a transaction and leave
the voided transaction displayed on the transaction list.
- Note: Transactions that are included in a deposit cannot
be deleted or voided until the deposit that the transaction
is included in is deleted first.
- Click the Print button to print the AR transactions list.
Note: Right-click on a Deposit on Account or an AR
Credit Refund transaction and select Print from the drop
list to print a receipt for the Deposit on Account or the AR
Credit Refund.
- Click the Find button below the A/R Transactions list box
to open the Find A/R Records window to select search
filters. The search will only view items that are in the "Show" window on the transaction screen. To view by "This Fiscal Year to Date", choose the down arrow to "This Fiscal Year to Date", then click the Find button to use the search filters.
- By entering the Transaction Number to display that specific
transaction on the A/R Transactions list. All transactions
-- an invoice, a deposit on account, or a payment -- have a
transaction number assigned to them so they can be searched.
- By entering the Invoice Number to display that specific invoice on
the A/R Transactions list or a Check Number to display
that check that was written to this customer. To view a
check written to a customer, check the Show Non-A/R Payments box.
- Enter a Credit search criteria (equals, is greater than, etc.)
with a dollar amount for that criteria ($500.00) to display
credits for that customer on the A/R Transactions list.
- Enter a Payment search criteria (equals, is less than,
etc.) with a dollar amount for that criteria ($100.00) to
display payment from that customer on the A/R
Transactions list.
- Enter Memo Contains criteria to display transactions with
that particular memo wording on the A/R Transactions list.
- Click the OK button to apply the filters and display the
Find results on the A/R Transactions list.
Pay A/R Invoice
From the Customer Options drop list, select Pay A/R invoices.
- Select Pay A/R invoices to open the Cash Drawer window
with the list of invoices to pay and select an invoice to pay. Click in the Pay column for invoices to be paid. The
Credit Amount, Invoice Count of selected invoices to be
paid, and the Net Amount to Pay will display above the
- Click the Edit Payment Amount button with the invoice to
be edited highlighted and enter the Amount to be paid in
the active entry field and click OK. The Balance
Due for this invoice will appear in the text box above.
- Click the AutoPay Open Invoices button to open the
Automatic Payment window and enter the Amount Paid.
The system will allocate the payment to open invoices in
order of oldest invoice first. AutoPay cannot apply a
payment higher than the total amount due. If the amount
is higher, enter the payment as a deposit on account and
then pay the open invoices using the credit available.
Click the Select All button to select all the invoices to pay.
- Click the Unselect All button to unselect all the invoices.
- Click the Next button to open the A/R Payment window.
Select a Method of Payment from the drop list using the
down arrow. If you select to pay by check, the Check
Number window will open -- enter the check number and
click the OK button. Back in the A/R Payment window,
the Payment Method and amount will display in the list
box to the right and the Remaining Balance below will be
- Edit the Amount to Post to enter more than one method of
payment to pay the selected invoice. To pay only a part of
an invoice, click the Back button and click the Edit
Payment Amount button to select the amount of the
invoice to pay.
- Select Date Paid and Time Paid by clicking the Select
buttons and choosing from the calendar and/or drop list.
- Click the Finish button and when prompted, click Yes to
print a Receipt for the payment if applicable.
- Click the Close button to cancel the payment and return to
the customer record screen.
Create New Invoice
- From the Customer Options drop list, select
Create New Invoice and complete the form using the tab key.
- Select Create New Invoice to open the A/R Invoice form
and enter the invoice amount, note, and edit the Invoice Date and/or Due Date by clicking Select and choosing
from the calendars. Most customer A/R invoices are
created by converting a repair order to an invoice and then
charging the invoice to the customer’s A/R account.
However, this feature can be used to set up beginning
balances or for non-inventory sales such as a vehicle,
used shop tool, etc.
- Tab to the Disbursement window or
click Add button in the lower-left corner
After you enter a dollar amount for the invoice, you may
enter a Note or continue to tab ahead to bring up the
Disbursement window or select the Add button in the
lower-left of the window to open the Disbursement window
and disburse that invoice amount on the G/L.
- Enter the G/L account number or click the Select button
to display the Chart of Accounts List. Start typing the G/L
account number to activate a progressive search or scroll
through the list to select your G/L account number.
- Highlight the G/L account to disburse
to and click Select or double-click
the account number. When the G/L account number is selected, the Account
Name will be populated. Verify the G/L account selected
in the Account Name field is correct and the dollar amount
in the Amount field is correct. Enter notes in the Memo
field as needed.
- Click the OK button to save and close the disbursement
window and return to the A/R Invoice form.
- To make multiple disbursements to the G/L for a single
invoice, select the first G/L account, edit the dollar amount
to be allocated to that G/L account, and click OK. Click
the Add button at the lower left of the A/P Invoice window
to select the second disbursement G/L account number,
edit the dollar amount, make a note in the memo field, and click
OK. Repeat as needed until the Balance at the bottom is
- Click the Edit button to open the Disbursement window for
editing the account, the amount disbursed, or the memo.
- Click Delete to remove the disbursement completely.
- Select Select Save and Add Another to enter multiple A/R invoices for the same customer. Save, Print and Add Another, Save and Close or Save, Print and close.
Create New Credit
From the Customer Options drop list, select Create New Credit and complete
the form using the tab button.
- Select Create New Credit to open the A/R Credit form and
enter the credit amount, note, and date by clicking Select
and choosing from the calendar. Most customer A/R
credits are created by crediting a customer on an invoice and then applying the credit to their account. However, this
feature can be used to set up beginning balances or
credits on account for non-inventory parts or labor like
- After you enter a dollar amount for the credit, you may enter a Note or continue to tab ahead to bring up the Disbursement window or select the Add button in the lower-left of the window to open the Disbursement Window and disburse the credit amount.
- Enter the G/L account number or click the Select button to display the Chart of Accounts List. Start typing the G/L account number to activate a progressive search or scroll through the list to select your G/L account number.
- When the G/L account number is selected, the Account Name will be populated. Verify the G/L account selected in the Account Name field is correct and the dollar amount in the Amount field is correct. Enter notes in the Memo field as needed.
- Click the OK button to save and close the disbursement window and return to the A/R Credit form.
- To make multiple disbursements to the G/L for a single credit, select the first G/L account, edit the dollar amount to be allocated to that G/L account, and click OK. Click the Add button at the lower left of the A/R credit window to select the second disbursement G/L account number, edit the dollar amount, make a note in the memo field, and click OK. Repeat as needed until the Balance at the bottom is $0.00.
- Click the Edit button to open the Disbursement window for editing the account, the amount disbursed, or the memo.
- Click Delete to remove the disbursement completely.
- Click OK and select Save and Add Another, Save, Print and Add Another, Save and Close or Save, Print and Close.
Print A/R Statement
From the Customer Options drop list, select Print A/R Statement.
- Select Print A/R Statement to open the Send Statements Filter window and select the date the statement should run through and check the Show Accounts Receivable Activity to print all account activity within the selected number of days using the spin buttons and click OK.
Refund A/R Credit
From the Customer Options drop list, select Refund A/R Credit.
- Select Refund A/R Credit to open the Credits Available
window, select credits to refund by clicking in the Use
column the credits to be refunded, click OK to select
the A/R Refund Payment Method from the list, and click
OK to open the Accounts Receivable Refund
Disbursement window to edit the notes or the G/L account
if applicable. Click OK and select to print as needed.
View and Edit Record Type
From the Customer Options drop list, select View and Edit Record Type.
- Select View and Edit Record Type to open the Customer
Types window to make a customer an employee. This
links the customer and employee accounts receivable
together to enable account activity to be managed through
From the Customer Options drop list, select History.
- Select History to open the Parts Invoice History window to
view the Parts Counter transactions for this customer.
- Click the Labor History button to view a list of all labor
services sold through the Parts Counter. Click the Details
button to view the Labor History Details including the labor
code, description, status, RO#, invoice date, date paid,
quantity, and price.
- Click the Parts History button to view a list of all parts sold
through the Parts Counter. Click the Details button to
view the Part History Details including the part number,
description, RO#, date, status, and pricing information.
- Click the View Parts Invoice button to view the actual parts
invoice and print from the Preview Report button if needed.
- Click the Close button to close the Parts Invoice History window.
Customer History Report
From the Customer Options drop list, select Customer History Report.
- Select Customer History to open the Customer History
Report filter and select the number of months to include in
the report from the spin buttons. Check the Use Printed
Labor Service Descriptions check box to print the entire
description, not just the first line on the report.
Customer Sales by Year Report
From the Customer Options drop list, select Customer Sales by Year Report.
- Select the Customer Sales by Year Report to view the
Repair Order, Repair Credits, Parts Invoices, Parts Credits, and Totals Purchases for each year and the account
Core Banking Report
From the Customer Options drop list, select Core Banking Report.
- Select the Core Banking Report to view a list of cores this
customer has been charged for including the part number,
RO# the core charge was billed to the customer, the
invoice date, original quantity, quantity to return, and the
sales price.
Change Person to a Company
From the Customer Options drop list, select Change Person to a Company.
- Select Change Person to a Company (or vice versa if the
customer is a company to enter the Company name for
the customer record and contact if applicable which will
also change the search criteria from a person to a
The First Name and Last Name will not
be saved; the Contact Name will need to be entered if
View Event Log for this Customer
From the Customer Options drop list, select View Event Log for this Customer.
- For future use - still in production.