Digital Inspection Feature

Digital Inspection Feature

  1. Create unlimited Digital Inspections to assign to your techs for various tasks including vehicle inspections or other checklist-type functions
  2. Be mobile! Perform the Inspections anywhere in the shop using Windows tablets or laptops.
  3. Easily mark items as 'Not Inspected, 'Passed', or 'Failed'.  Wording can be customized during setup
  4. Write notes on each inspection line or dive into the details of inspection failures for your customers to use when making their decisions about the necessary work that you recommend
  5. Email the Inspection and RO to the customer whenever you want
  6. All failed inspection items now display on the Service Schedule for the Service Writer to use when building the Repair Order and contacting the customer

How To Setup

Create New Digital Vehicle Inspection Template

  1. Navigate to 'Setups' from the top menu
  2. Choose 'Miscellaneous Lists' at the bottom and from that dropdown choose 'Digital Vehicle Inspection Templates' 
  3. Click the blue 'New Inspection Form' button at the bottom left of the window
  4. Choose a name for your DVI and add any notes that you'd like technicians to see when choosing this inspection template
  5. In the 'Inspection Results Options' section you can change the wording for Option 2 or Option 3 to whatever you'd like to see on your inspection templates
  6. Click the 'Show On Failed List' checkbox if you would like that choice to alert technicians to failures on the Vehicle Inspection from the service counter

Add Digital Inspection Items

  1. Click the blue 'New Inspection Item' button on the bottom left to add additional line items to the inspection template
  2. Additional 'Inspection Group Sections' can be added to the template by clicking the blue 'New Group' button on the bottom left
  3. Once you have selected a Group Section you must add an 'Inspection Item Description' to be listed under that group and the order that you would like to see these items listed
  4. When you mark an item as 'Failed' you can choose which color you would like that text to be shown on the list from either Black, Yellow, or Red
  5. Before saving this template, you can choose the 'Preview Template' button to view what it will look like when you use it on repair orders and make any necessary changes

Add Digital Inspection Template to RO

  1. From an open RO choose 'Digital Inspections' from the menu on the left
  2. Choose Add Inspection and pick your desired 'Digital Inspection Template'.  You can create a new template from this page as well
  3. The status of an Inspection Item can be changed by clicking the checkbox located next to the item
  4. Notes can be added to individual Inspection Items
  5. Once completed check the box at the bottom labeled 'Complete'

RO's with Inspection Items on the Failed List

A red box with the number of Failed Items from a Digital Inspection attached to an open RO will show in the 'Insp' column in the Appointments view of your Service Counter

Sharing Digital Inspections 

Digital Inspections, regardless of their completion status, can be saved as a PDF, Printed or Emailed to a customer directly from the Digital Inspection tab of the RO