How to Avoid a Part Price Level being affected by the Matrix

How to Avoid a Part Price Level being affected by the Matrix

Using a matrix to set your parts' selling prices can be a major benefit to your bottom line, if set up correctly for your shop's profitability.  But sometimes there a price level you want to set manually and not be affected by the Matrix function.

It's actually very easy to exclude a price level from the Matrix pricing.  When a part is set to use a matrix, a column of boxes is activated that say As Is.  (To activate the "As Is" function, you'll first need to go to Setups/Repair Order and Part Invoices/Inventory Setup/Price Matrix and check the box for: Allow As-Is Part Prices When Matrix Is Applied.)  

When the As Is box is checked, that (or those) price levels will ignore the calculation set up in your matrix.  

This is helpful if you are importing prices from a vendor's catalog, and they give you your cost, the list price and also a "dealer" price (the price you might sell to another shop for resale.  Usually higher than your cost but well below the list price.) 

Let's say you want that price to be in Price level F.  In the import function setup, you would drag the "dealer" price into Price F, Your cost into Cost and List into the Mfg. List Price.  Once the import is run and the "Update with Catalog" function is run, your Price F will be set.  But since all matrices require some function on all 6 price levels, and the matrix will only work on Cost or List, that F price would be overwritten, unless you have marked it to remain "As Is".
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