How to Save the Repair Order and Create a Purchase Order

How to Save the Repair Order and Create a Purchase Order

If you are using the Order Parts feature of MaxxTraxx, you can create a Purchase Order from the Repair Order for those parts on that particular Repair Order.

Low Inventory and Purchase Warning Setups need to be checked in this Workstation Setups before this feature will work. 

This is workstation specific and would need to be turned on at each workstation.  To turn this feature on go to:
  1. Setups
  2. This Workstation
  3. Printing & Miscellaneous Info
  4. Check both boxes under the Low Inventory and Purchase Warning Setups and click OK

Option 1

After you have your part(s) added to your Repair Order those parts that need to be ordered will show a red circle to the left of the part number.  The "Order Parts" button light up and show how many parts need to be ordered.
  1. Click the Order Parts button 
  2. This will pop up the notice that "The following parts on your Repair Order are not in stock and need to be ordered.  Tag the parts you want to order, then press the "Next" button.  You would click in the "order" column left of the part number you want to order. 
  3. Choose your Vendor and click Select.  If the Vendor is a new vendor, click the "Add Vendor" button at the bottom left to create the Vendor then select that Vendor.  Hint:  Choose "All Vendors" if you don't see the Parts Vendor ou are looking for.  After the first Restock Parts Invoice has posted, they will show on the "Parts Vendor" list.
  4. If you have any open parts order for this vendor, a notice will pop up stating that there are open Purchase Orders and show the Purchase Orders.  If you have the Purchase Orders set to use the Repair Order number as the Purchase Order number, click "Create New Parts Order".  If it is going to be combines with one of the Purchase Orders listed, highlight the one you want and click Next.  Hint:  Most of the time you will be creating a new Parts Order. 
  5. If the Vendor you chose is an online Vendor you use through MaxxTraxx, you would then click the "Send Order" button to send the order.  Then click OK/Save.  Choose the Save the Open PO or Save and Print this Open PO.  If not just click the OK/Save.  Choose the Save the Open PO or Save and Print this Open PO.  
  6. If you have parts on the Repair Order that will be ordered from multiple Vendors, you would omit putting a check mark in the order column.  Once the first Purchase Order is created you can click on the "Order Parts" button again and follow the same steps for each Vendor.

Option 2

After you have your part(s)added to your Repair Order those parts that need to be order will show a red circle to the left of the part number.  Click the OK/Save button and choose from the drop down options to fit your needs.  Then follow steps 2 - 5 under Option 1. If you have parts on the Repair Order that will be ordered from multiple Vendors, omit putting a check mark in the order column.  Once the first Purchase Order is created it will take you back to the Order Parts Notice and follow the steps again for each Vendor.

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