How To Set Up Part Price Matrices

How To Set Up Part Price Matrices

MaxxTraxx has the capability to create several Matrices for your part price calculations and can have differently Matrices assigned to your Online Vendors. 

Creating a Parts Matrix:

  1. Click on 'Parts Mgr' on the tool bar at the top
  2. Choose 'Part Price Matrix' from the dropdown
  3. Click the 'Add' button in the lower left hand corner.
  4. Put in a Description, this is what will show in the drop down list to choose from.
  5. Level 1 will start with a $0 Starting Part Cost which you will edit first then you can create more levels.  The Starting Part Cost will always be $0 so this level will be all part starting a $0 up to the next level you give it. 

There are 4 different pricing methods and 6 price code (A – F): 

  1. Sales Price
  2. Profit Margin
  3. Fixed $ Markup
  4. Cost Mult.
You would select one of the pricing methods for each pricing code you are going to use.  Price Codes is the pricing level you give your customers and can be found in their “Customer Record” on the “Details” page.    The pricing methods do not have to be the same for each price code.  
 Once you’ve finished the first level you would click the 'Add' button again for the next level.  You would keep clicking 'Add' until you’re done will all your levels.  Levels are the starting price cost.   Example:  Level 1 is $0 starting price level 2 is $5.00.  That means that any price between one cent and $4.99 selling price will be based on the pricing method you set up on level 1.  Level 3 starting price is $25.00 which means that any price from $5.00 to $24.99 will be at level 2 pricing method.  Once you have all your levels done, click OK.  You can create as many Matrices as you need.  Follow the same steps giving it a different description.  Once you have the Matrix done, you can apply the Matrix to Part Records.  This will only apply the Matrix to the parts that have that Matrix set up.

Setting up a Default Matrix

  1. You can set one of the Matrices as the default Matrix and automatically have it assign to the new part numbers.  
  2. To do this go to 'Parts Mgr' from the top menu
  3. Choose 'Part Price Matrix' from the dropdown
  4. Right click on the Matrix you want as the default Matrix, click 'Set as Default'.  Exit this window
  5. Then go to 'Setups' from the top menu
  6. choose 'Repair Order and Part Invoice'
  7. Click the 'Inventory Setup' Blue link on the left
  8. Under Price Matrix click the “Use Price Matrix For New and Catalog Parts” box and any other applicable boxes and click OK

Applying a Matrix to a Part Number

  1. Choose 'Parts Search' from the tool bar
  2. Bring up your Part Number and click edit.  This brings up the 'Part Record'
  3. Click the 'Price' blue link on the left
  4. Under the pricing list, check the box 'Use Price Matrix'.  This will activate the Parts Matrix and you can select your Matrix from the drop down box.  Depending on which Pricing Method you have chosen for that Matrix you will need to have a price in the “Base Cost” and the “List Price”.

Applying a Matrix to a Vendor

  1. Click on 'Vendors' at the top of the tool bar
  2. Choose 'Accounts Payable Vendor List' and select your Vendor.  Click 'Edit'.  This brings up the Vendor Record.
  3. Click the 'Catalog' blue link on the left.
  4. Click the down arrow by 'Price Matrix' and select your Matrix.  (This only works on Vendors you use online through MaxxTraxx)  Click OK.

Changing Price Matrix Within a Repair Order or Parts Counter Invoice

When you add a part within a Repair Order or Parts Counter Invoice you can change the “Part Matrix” to another Matrix or check / uncheck the box to Use Matrix.  This is found in the Parts – Sales Detail Information screen after you’ve added the part to the Repair Order or Parts Counter Invoice.

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