How to View Technician and Service Writer Productivity Reports

How to View Technician and Service Writer Productivity Reports

MaxxTraxx has reports to track your Technician and Service Writer productivity.  These are very useful when using the “Job Clock” feature in MaxxTraxx.

Technician’s Productivity

This report can be found by clicking Quick Picks / Company Reports  or going to Reports / Company Report.  Employee Category / Technician Productivity Detail & Summary reports.

  1. When clicking “Run Report” for the Technician Productivity Detail Report, the Employee Productivity Detail Report Filter box will pop up.  You can sort it by All Employees, Employee Code, or Last Name.  If you want just one technician, you would change it to either “Employee Code” or “Last Name’ and put the same in both From /To,  i.e. if the employee code is 100 you would put 100 in the box next to “From” and 100 in the box next to “To” (same with the last name.)
  1. When you enter the time this is very important: If you run the time from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and you close the RO out after 5:00 pm, it will not show up on this report.  A safety net is to run the time from 1:00 am to 11:00 pm.
  2. If your Company setups show your "End of Work Day" as 5:00 PM, your drop-down time list for the report will stop at 5:00 PM.  You can manually enter the 11:00 PM into the Ending Time box. This is true for all reports that have the time associated with it.
  1. There are options as to what you want to see on the report or if you give your technician a copy of the report, what you may or may not want them to see.  Check them accordingly then click ok 
  1. ROs with labors added without technicians assigned will show up as “unassigned” on this report.  It will list all the other technicians separately.
  1. You will see the closed Repair Orders first then any open Repair Orders will follow.  There are several columns on this report Date Paid, RO, Status, the vehicle. 
  1. If you are using the “Job Clock” feature, the “Clocked Hrs” is the accumulated clock time it took the technician for that RO.
  1. The “Billed Hrs” is the total hours you charged your customer.  However, if you are using “Menu Labors” those will not have a Billed Rate hours” 
  1. FR Hrs is Flat Rate hours that you give your technician on the RO.  Usually, book time from labor time guides.
  1. Flagged Hrs (have to be using the “Job Clock” feature) is the accumulated hours that the technician puts in for the clock time.  The technician may have been on the clock for 45 minutes but may only be able to flag 30 minutes.
  1. Billed/FR % will calculate the productivity of your technician.  Most shops link the ”billed rate” and the “flat rate” so the tech will show 100%, however, this may get a bit misconstrued if you have a lot of menu labors.
  1. Billed/ Flag % will show the productivity of your technician.  It will take the Billed hours and divide them by the Flagged Hours your technician put in on the job clock and show the productive percentage your technician was on that job.
  1. FR/Flag% will show the efficiency of your technician.  It will take the accumulated flat rate hours from the Repair Order and divide it by the Flagged Hours the tech entered through the job clock.  Giving you the efficiency percentage.
  1. Labor and Parts columns are the total labor and parts sales associated with the labors assigned to the technician.  This may not be the total labor and part sales for the entire Repair Order as the Repair Order may have more than one technician assigned to it.
  1. At the end of each technician’s section is a summary that shows the total closed and open Repair Orders,  the overall productivity and efficiency, and totals labor and part sales for the one technician.

Technician Productivity Summary Report

This report can be found the same way as the above report however, you have a few more filters to add, Hide Idle Hours, Include Voided Records, and Include items Marked for Review.  The report will show a summary of all the closed, open, and if selected idle hours.  This is a quick view of the overall productivity of your technicians.


Service Writer Productivity Report

This report can be found by clicking Quick Picks / Company Reports  or going to Reports / Company Report.  Employee Category /Service Writer Productivity.  This report does not have a time filter just the date.  You can select to include Sublets, Include Line Item Discounts, and Include Warranty.  You can filter the Part types as well.  Click OK

You will see a breakdown by Service Writers.  The last page with is the company totals by Repair Order and Part Invoices.


Service Writer Profit Report

This report can be found by clicking Quick Picks / Company Reports or going to Reports / Company Report.  Employee Category /Service Writer Profit Report.  The report can be filtered by “All Employees (Service Writers) or by the Employee Code (this will allow only one Service Writer at a time).  After you’ve selected your filters click OK


This report will sort by “unassigned” and the “technicians”.  This will show the “Net Sales” and “Profit” by Parts, Labor, Sublet, the totals broken down by Repair Orders.  You will be able to see if the Service Advisors hits the profit targets that have been established.  There are codes at the bottom of each page to show if a Repair Orders has an uncosted part or if it has warranty cost and which ones are below the profit target.


The last page will give you the Company totals and a graph that show a graph for each employee with the sales/profit.