Import Data Catalog

Import Data Catalog

To Import new data into the Catalog

  1. • Once you have received and saved the CSV file from your provider, review the data to ensure that the dollar amounts in the CSV file do not have dollar signs as part of the amount. The import utility will error out if that is not corrected prior to running
  2. Once you have cleaned up any data problems in the CSV file, close the file as the utility cannot proceed if the file is open
  3. In MaxxTraxx, click on 'Utilities' from the top menu and choose 'Import Catalog Data' from the dropdown
  4. Click the ''Add' button and enter the name of the distributor you received the file from. Once you’ve added the Distributor Code, it will remember it and you won’t have to add it again
  5. When you click Next, you will enter the path to the file where you saved the CSV. You can type in the complete path, or you can click on Select button and drill down to find it
  6. Once the correct path is entered, and the Next button clicked, you will see the data matching page
  7. This is a simple drag and drop page, where the data fields from your catalog CSV file are on the left column and their destination fields are on the right.  It’s important to note that if your CSV file includes column names (Part Number, Description, etc), you will need to check the box at the lower left (Skip the first record when importing data). Otherwise, your column headers will become one of the parts you enter.
  8. As you drag your fields over, double check that you dropped each on the correct corresponding field name
  9. There are a few conditional items you need to make sure are chosen, that won’t be part of your incoming data:
    1. Vendor Code:  if you wish to assign a Primary Vendor to these parts, double click on the Vendor Code line to display a list of all the vendors in your system and click on the correct vendor to add it to the Source Field/Data column
    2. Manufacturer Code:  If you’ve created Manufacturers in MaxxTraxx and wish to assign a vendor to all the parts being converted, double click the Manufacturer Code like and choose the Manufacturer
    3. Product Code:  Don’t skip this one.  Double click the Product Code line, and choose the Product Code you wish to be assigned to all the incoming parts
    4. Price Matrix:  If you have created a Price Matrix that you wish to be applied to these parts, double click the Price Matrix line and choose the matrix you wish to be applied
    5. Part Type:  Don’t skip this one:  Double click the Part Type line and choose whether these parts are Parts, Fluids or Tires
    6. Taxable:  Unless your location doesn’t require collecting sales tax on all parts, leave this line set to Yes
  10. All other fields are editable, and you can manually enter whatever you want all parts to be stamped with in that field.  Generally, you will leave them blank
  11. Once all the fields are correctly filled, click Next.  Read the statement, make sure it looks correct, the click on Finish to start the conversion. You will see the record count as they are imported.  This may take a few minutes, depending on the size of the file and number of records to be imported. Once all the records have been converted you’ll get an Import Successful message offering to let you do another import.  If you choose Yes you’ll be taken back to the first step to start another
It is important to understand that the preceding operation did not add any parts to your parts file, but instead added them to your Catalog file.  In your open Repair Orders, when you choose to add a part to a labor, one of the choices is Part from Imported Catalog Data where you can search for parts that you have imported

If you want the catalog parts to be added to or update your regular parts list in MaxxTraxx

  1. It is strongly suggested to make a backup of your data before you proceed.
  2. Click on Parts Mgr.
  3. Choose Update Parts List with Catalog Prices
  4. Highlight the correct Catalog Distributor Code and click Next
  5. Remove the check mark from any field you don’t want your catalog to Add/Update
  6. If you want to add all parts from the catalog to your parts list, check the box in the lower left corner: Add Parts to Inventory if not found. (The process of searching for matching numbers to update, then adding those not found can take an extended period of time and may tie up the workstation this is being performed on for a while.  You may want to use either your file server or a lesser used workstation to run this process on.)
  7. Click Next, then Begin Update to start the process.
  8. When the process is complete, there will be a Notice telling you how many parts were updated and how many were added to your inventory.
  9. At this point it is a good idea to review a few of the parts to ensure that the conversion went as you desired. 
If  you want to restore your backup, call Support (800-996-9777) for help before you continue adding data to MaxxTraxx

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