NAPA ProLink Vendor Setup Instructions
There are a few steps required to get this done successfully. Please review the following points below and complete the ones that apply to you.
- First and foremost, you need to have a Napa TAMS account set up with your local Napa store. The information you need comes from them.
- If you have a Napa TAMS account, then they may have already assigned you a TAMS customer ID or account number. You may or may not know it yet. Your customer ID always and only starts with either a capital letter “D” or “P”, which is then usually followed by about 5 numbers. With your store number with Napa included at the end. For example, your “account number” or the store number that the local Napa shop assigns to your business might be ##. Therefore, your TAMS customer ID would translate to something like, D0000##.
- Next, we need to have the Napa TAMS store number for your local Napa store. This number is always a 9-digit It is usually structured with a beginning number followed by 4 zeroes, then 4 other numbers, which is their store number with Napa corporate. It will look something like, 60000####.
- If you do not have these numbers yet, please stop now and contact your local Napa store that fulfills your orders. This is where your account is housed. Ask for the person there that handles TAMS and tell them you need your Napa TAMS customer ID and their TAMS store number. Once you have this information you will be ready to input this information into your Napa vendor setup area in MaxxTraxx.
- If you have never set up an account with Napa for electronic ordering through a shop management software like MaxxTraxx, then you may need to start from scratch by going to the following website to request and set up a new account. Note: This is not immediate and is a multi-day process. Only go here if instructed to or you KNOW for sure you do not have an account in place. Link:
- To get your Napa Prolink Account added to MaxxTraxx we need to access 2 setups locations.
- The first one is located at the very top menu. Click on Setups, then click on Electronic Ordering. On the window that pops up, double-click on the NAPA On the next window that pops up, change the selection from NAPA Integrated Part Lookup to NAPA PROLink Web Interface. Make sure to fill out the contact information, then save and close.
- Once that’s done, click on the Vendors selection at the very top menu. Then, click on Accounts Payable Vendors List. If Napa is not already added here as a vendor, then please click the Add Vendor
- The minimum required entries here are the Company name field at the top and the Vendor Code. The vendor code is something you create and is 6 characters max.
- Then, to the left of that click on the Catalog
- On the next window, in the Catalog drop-down menu, select NAPA.
- Below that, input your local NAPA store’s NAPA TAMS store number into the NAPA Store Number field and then your TAMS Customer ID into the Account
- Once that info is in place and BEFORE you say “Ok”, please press the Add Store to NAPA ProLink button below. It should give you a “success” message. Once that’s done, you can click the “Ok” button.
- That should do it! Now go test your NAPA credentials by trying to source and place a NAPA order online through MaxxTraxx.
- IF you get an error message with a “99…” in it, that means that there’s a mismatch between what you have input and what the NAPA store has in their system for you. Contact your local NAPA store first to verify your info with them.
- If you need further help after completing the above, then please call MaxxTraxx Support line at: 800-996-9777
Napa PROLink Support Phone: (800) 742-3578 (Option 3, then option 2)
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