Repair Order and Part Invoices Setup

Repair Order and Part Invoices Setup

Repair Order and Part Invoices Setups are a bit lengthy but will help the users to see the various features in MaxxTraxx and help decide what they want to program to do.  Have them navigate to the Setup Menu and click on Repair Order and Part Invoices.

Labor Rate

Hourly labor rate

Click the Labor Rates link and enter Shop Rates A through F to designate labor prices for the six labor rate levels.  The Labor Price Level (Labor rate code) is set up in the  Vehicle Record.

Avg. Labor Cost/Hr

They can enter an amount to represent the Average Labor Cost per Hour (used to calculate profitability on the repair order) or use the Calculate a Month button to calculate the Average Labor Cost per Hour.
Click the Calculate a Month button to enter the monthly expenses used to calculate the Total Shop Expenses on a monthly basis. Enter the estimated monthly Part Profit and Flat Rate Hours below to calculate the Average Labor Cost. – or – Click the Calculate Flat Rate Hrs and Parts Profit button and select a month from the drop list to use a past month's financial report. Click the OK button and the calculated number will populate the Average Labor Cost per Hour field for calculating labor profitability

Misc. Charge

Click the Miscellaneous Charges link to set up the Supply Charges for both Repair Orders and Parts Invoices.
Shop supply charges figured as a percentage of parts and/ or labor sales are not legal in some states.
For the Miscellaneous Charge on a Repair Order, enter the description of the miscellaneous charge that will print on the repair order.  Enter the percentage amount to be used to calculate the miscellaneous charge based on the labor total. 
  1.  Enter the Maximum Miscellaneous Charge amount the total supply charge is not to exceed when calculating the miscellaneous charge to be added to the invoice.  Enter the Minimum Miscellaneous Charge amount the total supply charge is not to exceed when calculating the miscellaneous charge to be added to the invoice. 
  2. Click the Select button to open the Add On Charge Product Codes window, highlight a product code to assign the miscellaneous charges to, and click the Select button.
  3. Click the Add Product Code button to create a new product code if applicable to be added to the Product Code list.
  4. Enter a Product Code, up to 10 characters.
  5. Enter a Product Code Description, up to 30 characters.
  6. Click the Select button to open the Chart of Accounts to select a G/L account for the new Product Code. Double click, or highlight the G/L account and click the Select button. If the G/L account number is not listed, click the Add G/L Account button to Add A G/L Account.
  7. Click the SAVE button to save the new Product Code to the Add On Charge Product Codes list and then highlight the new code and click the Select button.
  8. Check the Tax Miscellaneous Supply Charges box to charge sales tax on the supply charges.  If applicable. 
Repeat steps 1 - 8 for the Parts Invoice Miscellaneous Charge Setup. 

You don't have to have a Minimum Miscellaneous Charge but you DO have to have a Maximum Miscellaneous Charge for this to show on the Repair Order.

You choose to exclude certain Part Types from supply charges.
  1. Excludes "Parts" from Miscellaneous Charges
  2. Excluded "Fluids" from Miscellaneous Charges
  3. Excludes "Tires" from Miscellaneous Charges
In the part record, the individual part can be set to "Exclude from Supply Charge" on the Pricing Page.

Add-On Charges

  1. Click the Add-On Charges link to set up Parts and Labor Add-On Charges. The Add-On charges are entered on the invoice whenever any part or labor is added.
  2. Check the Active box to activate the charges and be able to edit the Add-On Charge feature. To deactivate the Add-On charges, uncheck the Active box.
  3. Enter Description for Part Charge 1 Enter the Description as it should print on the repair order under the Repair Order Summary section as a subtotal.
  4. Click the Select button to open the Add On Charge Product Codes window, highlight a product code to assign the Part Charge 1 to, and click the Select button. 
  5. Check the Taxable box to charge sales tax the Add-On Charge.
  6. Repeat steps #1 through #5 to set up additional Add-On Charges applied to parts and/or labors below.
  7. Part or Labor Charge 3 can be set as a percentage
If the product code is not listed, see steps #1 through #7 to add a new product code.

R/O Setup

Click the R/O Setup link to select printing preferences, warning windows, and sublet tracking on the repair order.
Check the Print Technician’s Certifications box to print the assigned technician’s certifications on the repair order.  The "certification #" is setups in the employee's "Payroll Record" on the "Miscellaneous page".
Check the Print Revisions of Original Estimate box to print the Revision Details for each time the "estimate" amount increased with the authorizing contact information including date, time, revised amount, and new total.
Check the Print Labor Service Hours box to print the labor service hours billed in addition to the hourly labor rate and the total dollar amount invoiced to the customer.
If this field is left unchecked, only the total dollar amount invoiced to the customer will print on each labor line. 
Check the Print Tax Breakdown box to print the Sales Tax Breakdown as required by law in Canada.  If you have a state and local tax, this will break down on the Repair Order or Part Invoice, how much is designated as a state and how much is local sales tax.  Canada is broken out the same way with the "GST" and "PST" sales tax.

Check the Print Amounts With Recommended Services box to print the total for each recommended service (no breakdown of parts or labor prices) on the repair order if there is a pricing detail associated with the recommended service.

Show Notes on Printed Repair Orders

Check the Show Notes on the Printed RO box to print the invoice notes on the invoice. 

The notes that are displayed under the vehicle’s record are never printed

Check Mileage In/Out

Check the Check Mileage "In/Out" box to prompt for an Out Mileage entry when the repair order is completed. Both the In Mileage and Out Mileage will print on the invoice. If this box is unchecked, the system only prompts for a single mileage reading to be entered and printed on the invoice. 

Check the Print Promise Date box to print the Promised Date and time under the Invoice Date and time on the invoice.

Warn If Revision of Estimate is Needed

Check the Warn If Revision of Estimate is Needed box to prompt upon completing the invoice when a Repair Order Amount on the final invoice is greater than the last revised estimate amount. The Revision of Estimate window will open to enter the Contact and Revision Details.

Warn If No Techs are Assigned to a Labor 

Check the Warn If No Techs are Assigned to a Labor box to prompt when completing or paying an invoice if there is not a technician assigned to all the labor functions.

Confirm Average Mileage

Check the Confirm Average Mileage box to prompt you to confirm the average yearly mileage driven or to manually enter the average miles driven based on the current driver’s usage of the vehicle.

Don't Print Part Number On Repair Orders

Check the Don’t Print Part Number On Repair Order box to print only the part descriptions on the invoice, not any part numbers. 

Ask For a New Appointment After Paying a Repair Order

Check the Ask For a New Appointment After Paying a Repair Order box to open a window after paying a repair order that lists the date a particular mileage interval will be reached depending on the average miles driving in the vehicle record to schedule the next service; and if applicable listing the recommended services for the vehicle. Select Yes to schedule a new appointment from the Appointment screen in the Make New Appointment wizard with the customer and vehicle already selected.
Check the Print Manufacture List Price on the Repair Order box to print the manufacture list price if available from the part master record next to the part description on the repair order ONLY if the selling price is equal to or less than the manufacture list price.
If the selling price of the part on the repair order is greater than the manufacture list, the manufacture list price does not print next to the description.
Check the Print Time Next to Date on the Repair Order box to print the time next to the date on the repair order; this date/time is set by default to the exact date and time the repair order was created and saved. To change the date and/or time on the repair order, click the Miscellaneous link in the repair order and edit the Repair Order date and/or time. 
 Check the Print Customer Email On Repair Order box to print the email address in the customer record on the repair order under the customer's address.

  Don't Print Company Address on Repair Order

Check the Don't Print Company Address on the Repair Order box if you do not want to print the default company address, phone, etc. This option is selected for printing on a pre-printed repair order as MaxxTraxx requires company information entered in the Company Information setup section of the program. 

Company Information will not print if a custom logo is set up in MaxxTraxx even if this feature is not selected. 

Always Add Default Reason For Service To Repair Order

Check the Always Add Default Reason For Service To Ro to have a reason for service with the default feature activated on the reason for service add to every repair order started in addition to any other reasons selected for the repair order. 
You will need to designate the "Reason for Service" you want to set as the default.  Click on "Manager" at the top of the toolbar / Reason for Service / find the reason for service line you want as the default, right-click "Set as Default".
Check the  Print Job Totals On a Repair Order to show each job's totals for part and labor.  For it to show as a "job", there must be a Reason or Request for Service with the labor and parts for that specific job to "count" as a job.

Job totals will not include any miscellaneous or add-on charges or sales tax.
Check the Print Part and Labor Totals on Repair Order to show the labor and parts pricing.  With this uncheck the price will not appear next to the labor or part description.

Don't Print "Estimate Only" on Printed Repair Orders

Check the Don't Print "Estimate Only" if you don't want this to print on repair orders.  However, if the repair order is marked "Complete" it will not show "Estimate Only" even if the box isn't checked.

Ask When Opening a Repair Order

You can have the system prompt you to enter the following information by checking the box next to:
  1.   Technicians
  2. Customer Source
  3. Customer Email
  4. Mileage
  5. Service Write 

Ask For Repair Order Information

You can set how often you want the above information to prompt you by checking the following box(s).
  1. When the form opens
  2. When the form closes
  3. When marked as "complete"
  4. When paid

Sublet Status and Due Date/Time Tracking

Using the radio buttons, select Not Tracked to deactivate the Sublet Status Tracking feature, Optional to use the Sublet Status Tracking as needed, or Required to require the date/time.

Default for Old Parts 

Using the radio buttons, select "Discard" old parts or "Return" old parts to the customer to print by default how to handle used parts on the estimate, repair order, invoice, and technician worksheet. 
This setting can be changed in the Make an Appointment wizard and from the appointment screen of the repair order.

Assign Marketing Letter To Send When Paying a Repair Order 

Using the radio buttons, select a Notice to Always, Ask me, or Don't ask to Assign Marketing Letter To Send When (after) Paying a Repair Order and a Marketing Letters window will open after the Cash Drawer window closes with a list of any letters already scheduled to be sent and a button to Add Letter/ Postcard to access the list of letters/postcards to select from.
There is also an option on this window to view letters that have been sent including the date it was sent.

Repair Order Printer Setup

Check the Use Windows Default box to have the computer print the invoices using the computer’s default printer.   To select another printer, uncheck the box and click the Select button to choose another printer from the list.
Select a Printed Invoice Style by clicking the down arrow and selecting an invoice style from the drop list.
  1. Default Repair Order
  2. Florida Repair Order
  3. Michigan Repair Order
  4. Wisconsin Repair Order
Check the Print For Window Envelope box to print the customer name and address on the repair order formatted to be sent in a window envelope. The vehicle information is printed in a single column moved to the right instead of two columns at the top of the repair order to prevent any vehicle information or the customer's telephone number and/or email address from showing through the window in the envelope. 
 This is the default setting and this feature can be unchecked or checked at the time of printing from the repair order print screen

Repair Order Number Format Setup

Enter a Prefix character to go on the front of the system-generated invoice number. For example, A1001. 
Enter the Next Invoice Number for the system-generated generated invoice number to start at. For example, 1001. 
Enter a Suffix character to go on the end of the system-generated invoice number. For example, 1001-A.

Repair Order Disclaimers

Estimate Disclaimer

Enter Estimate Disclaimer verbiage to print on the invoice at the end or in the upper left corner of the repair order in red type (if invoices are color). The disclaimer prints exactly as it appears on-screen. The spell-check function icon is to the right of the window.
Check the box "Print Estimate Disclaimer Box at the end of the Repair Order if you want it at the end of the repair order.

Warranty Disclaimer

Enter Warranty verbiage to print in the warranty section on all repair orders.  The spell-check function icon is to the right of the window.  You can the font size of 6, 7, or by using the down arrow right of Choose Font Size.  Check the Print Warranty Disclaimer Note Box at the end of the Repair Order if you want it there.

Disclaimer Signature  

Enter Disclaimer Signature verbiage to print on the invoice just below the signature line under the Estimate Disclaimer in red type (if invoices are color).

Revision Signature

Enter Revision Signature verbiage to print just below the signature line under the Revisions Details box in red type (if invoices are color).

Invoice Signature

Enter Invoice Signature verbiage to print just below the signature line at the bottom of the invoice in red type (if invoices are color). 

Restock Setup

Purchase Order Number Format Setup

  1. Enter a Prefix character to go on the front of the system-generated purchase order number. For example, A1001.
  2. Enter the Next Number for the system-generated purchase order number to start at. For example, 1001
  3. Enter a Suffix character to go on the end of the system-generated purchase order number. For example, 1001-A

Purchase Order Number Assignment

Select one of the Purchase Order Number Assignment options radio button to
  1. Always use incrementally assign Purchase Order number
  2. Ask to use the repair order number if the Purchase Order is created from a repair order
  3. Always use the repair order number if the Purchase Order is created from a repair order
Check the box if you want to "Require Created By on the Purchase Order".

Inventory Setup

Track Inventory

Check the Track Inventory box to activate the inventory section where inventory records are created as new parts are added to repair orders via catalogs, buyouts, etc.
Not available in the MaxxTraxx Express Version

Add Catalog Parts to Inventory List

Check the Add Catalog Parts to Inventory List box to add a part that is added (transferred) to an invoice from a catalog to inventory as a permanent parts record. This feature is automatically selected on the Part - Sales Detail Information screen when the part is added to the invoice and can be unchecked at the invoice level if the Allow Manager Override box is selected. 

Check the Allow Manager Override box to activate the option on the Buyout / Quick Part - Sales Detail Information screen to uncheck this feature that adds the part to inventory and treat it as a buyout part only, not a Quick Part function. box to activate the option on the Part - Sales Detail Information screen to uncheck this feature that will not add the part to inventory; however, this feature is required for utilizing online ordering.

Add Buyouts to Inventory List

Check the Add Buyouts to Inventory List box to add a part that is entered on an invoice with the buyout function to the inventory as a permanent parts record. This feature is activated on the parts page when the part is added to the invoice and can be unchecked at the invoice level if the Allow Manager Override box is selected. Selecting this feature, the Buyout function becomes a Quick Part method of entry
Recommended for Full Accounting Users. 
Check the Allow Manager Override box to activate the option on the Buyout / Quick Part - Sales Detail Information screen to uncheck this feature that adds the part to inventory and treat it as a buyout part only, not a Quick Part function.

Require Placeholder To Be Replaced On RO

Check the Require Placeholder To Be Replaced On RO box to prompt when paying an invoice if there is a Placeholder on the invoice that needs to be replaced by an actual part.

Check the Allow Manager Override box to be able to close out an invoice with a Part Placeholder. 
If the invoice is closed out with the placeholder and you track inventory, be sure to go back and repost that invoice with the actual part number used to maintain inventory and accounting integrity. 

Require Parts On RO To Be Stocked Before RO Is Paid

Check the box to activate a Notice screen that says There are parts on this repair order that are not stocked yet. The user would be required to return to the RO and wait until the parts have been stocked (entered into inventory to be available to be sold) unless the Manager Override option is selected which would display a button to Override the Notice at the invoice level and allow the user to pay the invoice.
Check the "Check the Allow Manager Override" box to display the Override button on the Notice at appears when attempting to pay an invoice with parts that are not available in stock. box to display the Override button on the Notice appears when attempting to pay an invoice with parts that are not available in stock.

Cost on Repair Order and Part Invoices

Using the radio buttons, select an action to take if the Cost on Repair Orders and Part Invoices for parts is not entered 
  1. Don’t warn
  2. Warn if no cost
  3. Require cost
Requires Cost Recommended for Full Accounting Users. 
Check the Allow Manager Override box to be able to close out an invoice without a cost entered for a part. 
If the invoice is closed out without a cost for the part, be sure to go back and repost the invoice with the part cost to maintain accounting integrity.

Base and Average Cost on Parts Setup

Check the Reset Base Part Cost at Purchase box to update the base cost of all parts in inventory whenever the part cost is more than the last time the part was purchased. 
Base cost decreases are done manually in the part record. 
Check the "Set the part record average cost to the last cost when a part record has no stock on hand" box to use the last cost for the part added to an invoice to calculate profitability. Since the average cost would multiply the quantity on hand times the last cost, the resulting amount would always be zero dollars and would result in a 100% profit margin, so this feature is recommended to have a "base" to set pricing on.

Customer Part Search Field

In the box next to "Screen Prompt" put the user field in the parts table.  For example  Product Code
Select one of the seven options as the default to search the part list in MaxxTraxx
  1.  Part Number
  2. Description
  3. Part Size
  4. SKU
  5. Compact Part Number
  6. Location
  7. Tire Size  
The Compact Part Number search option will search for a part on the list regardless of the spaces, dashes, or slashes that are in the part number in the part record. This option is selected for users that have a lot of part records created from online parts catalogs which typically include spaces, dashes, etc.

Physical Inventory

Click the Physical Inventory link to select which part records to print on the physical inventory worksheets.

Show Current Stock Quantity On Printed Physical Inventory Pages 

Check the Show Current Stock Quantity On Printed Physical Inventory Pages box to print the inventory level currently in the system.

Include Buyouts On Physical Inventory

Check the Include Buyouts box to print buyout parts that are not stocked in inventory on the inventory worksheets

Include Parts That Show Zero Stock On Hand

Check the Include Parts That Show Zero Stock On Hand box to print part numbers that were entered into inventory at one time that currently doesn’t have a quantity in inventory. 

Include Parts With No Minimum or Best Quantities

Check the Include Parts With No Minimum or Best Quantities box to print part numbers that are not set up with a best quantity, designating it as a stocking part. 

Part Invoice Setup

Click the Part Invoice Setup link to select the parts invoice format, prompts, and printer. 

Part Invoice Number Format Setup

  1. Enter a Prefix character to go on the front of the system-generated parts invoice number. For example, A1001.
  2. Enter the Next Number for the system-generated parts invoice number to start at. For example, 1001. 
  3. Enter a Suffix character to go on the end of the system-generated parts invoice number. For example, 1001-A.   

Printed Part Invoice Text

Enter the text to appear in the description of a Part Invoice.  For Example "Part number and description"

Ask When Opening A Part Invoice

Check the Customer Source and/or Service Writer box to prompt a Customer Source and/or Service Writer selection whenever a new part invoice is started.

Part Invoice Preferences

  1. Check the Don’t Print Part Numbers on Parts Invoice box to print part descriptions, not part numbers on the invoice
  2. Check the Print Manufacture List Price On Part Invoice box to print the manufacture list price if available from the part master record next to the part description on the part invoice ONLY if the selling price entered is equal to or less than the manufacture list price. 
  1. If the selling price of the part on the part invoice is greater than the manufacture list, the manufacture list price does not print next to the description. 
  1. Check the Include User Charges When Adding Parts box to apply any user charges for the selected part on the part invoice if user charges are set in the part master record.  
User charges can be edited or removed from the parts invoice on the Part - Sales Detail Information screen. 
  1. Check the Include User Charges When Adding Labor box to apply any user charges for the selected labor on the part invoice if user charges are set in the labor master record.  
User charges can be edited or removed from the parts invoice on the Labor - Sales Detail Information screen.

  1. Check the Print Customer Email On Part Invoice box to print the email address in the customer record on the part invoice above the customer's name and address.
  2.  Check the Don't Print Company Address on Parts Invoice box if you do not want to print the default company address, phone, etc. This option is selected for printing on a pre-printed parts invoice as MaxxTraxx requires company information entered in the Company Information setup section of the program.  
Company Information will not print if a custom logo is set up in MaxxTraxx even if this feature is not selected.

  1. Check the Print Labor Service Hours on Part Invoices box if you want the labor service hours to print on the Part Invoices when labor is added to the Part Invoice.
  2. Click the Use Windows Default box to have the computer print the invoices using the computer’s default printer. 
To select another printer, uncheck the box and click the Select button to choose another printer from the list.

Pick Labels

Check the Print pick labels when the parts invoice is paid box to select to print a pick label by default whenever the part invoice is printed. 
This is the default setting and this feature can be unchecked or checked at the time of printing from the parts invoice print screen.
Click the Use Windows Default box to have the computer print the pick label using the computer’s default printer.

To select another printer, uncheck the box and click the Select button to choose another printer from the list. 

Part Inv. Disclaimers

Part Invoice Disclaimer

Click the Part Invoice Disclaimers link to enter the verbiage to print on the part invoice to inform the customer of disclaimers and request a signature to acknowledge they have read and understand the disclaimer(s).

Disclaimer Signature 

Enter Disclaimer Signature verbiage to print on the part invoice just below the signature line under the Part Invoice Disclaimer in red type (if invoices are color). 


Enter Warranty verbiage to print in the warranty section on all part invoices. 
The spell-check function icon is to the right of the window. 
Check the Print in Standard Warranty Box for the warranty that is created in this section to appear in the warranty section of the part invoice. If the box is not checked, the warranty will not print on the part invoice.

Invoice Signature

Enter Invoice Signature verbiage to print just below the signature line at the bottom of the invoice in red type (if invoices are color). 

Quotes/Sub Est.

Next Quote Number

Enter a Starting Quote Number for the system-generated quote number to start at.  For example, 1001.

Quotes Expire After

Enter a number of days until a quote expires or use the spin button (up/down arrows) to select the number of days since the quote was created that the quote will expire. If zero is entered, quotes will not expire. 

Ask to remove sub estimates when RO is completed or paid 

Check the Ask to remove sub estimates when RO is completed or paid box to be prompted to remove any sub estimates in the repair order. If the sub-estimates are not deleted, the sub-estimates will be available on the next repair order for that vehicle.
The sub-estimates are also stored in the vehicle from the Vehicle Options link in the customer record. 

Tech Worksheets

Click the Use Windows Default box to have the computer print the technician worksheet using the computer’s default printer.
To select another printer, uncheck the box and click the Select button to choose another printer from the list.
  1. Check the Show Customer on Printed Technician Worksheet box to print the customer’s name under the vehicle information on the technician worksheets
  2. Check the Don't Print Extra Lines On Tech Worksheet box to not print the two columns of lines and the area to enter Time Worked - Hours/Minutes on a technician worksheet under each labor for technicians to make notes and enter times.
  3. Check the Print Recommendations and Sub Estimates on the Tech Worksheet box to include recommended services and Sub Estimates in the vehicle record on the technician worksheet to note whether the services have been completed or should be removed.

Misc. Defaults

New Record Defaults

  1. Check the Default New and Free Form Labors As Taxable box to have the taxable (sales tax applied) box automatically checked on all new labor records and free form labor.
  2. Check the Default New Parts and Buyouts As Taxable box to have the taxable (sales tax applied) box automatically checked on all new part records and buyout parts.
  3. Check the Default New Sublets As Taxable box to have the taxable (sales tax applied) box automatically checked on all sublet labor records
  4. Check the Link Flat and Billed Rate Labor Together box to always have Flat Rate labor amounts paid to the technician equal to the amount billed to the customer as the default. 
This feature can be overridden on the Labor - Sales Detail Information screen to enter a different amount for the flat rate and billed rate amounts

Confirm Vehicle

  1. Change the radio button to "Always show for a vehicle without a Vin" to warn you when going to an "online vendor" that the vehicle doesn't have a Vin number.  It can be overridden by clicking the "Yes, The Vehicle is Correct" or "No, Cancel And Go Back" which will allow you to enter the Vin number through the "Vehicle Record"

  1. Change the radio button to "Never Show".  When going to an "online vendor" it will not give you the above warning and you will need to select the vehicle information.

  1. Change the radio button to "Allow Duplicate Vin and License" to allow the use of a Vin number or License number on different vehicle records.  If this is selected, a vehicle will have more than one vehicle record in the system and most cases with different customers. 
Most shops prefer to keep all the invoices with one vehicle record.  If the vehicle is sold to another customer the vehicle can be transferred to the new owner and all the history will go with it.

ACES Setup

MaxxTraxx uses the ACES table to look up the tables for the year, make, model, and engine in the Add a Vehicle wizard. If using the Carfax feature when adding the vehicle by license or Vin #, the system will use the ACES table to obtain the information and populate it in the vehicle record.

Use the radio button to select the "Default Region When Selecting Vehicles" of:
  1. United States
  2. Canada
  3. Mexico
Click the Select Vehicle Types to Show button to choose which types of vehicle to show when using the add a vehicle wizard, for example, Cars, Medium/Heavy Trucks. 

Click the "Select Makes To Show" button to select the "Make" of vehicles you want to see when using the add a vehicle wizard.

Click the "Check for ACES Updates to see if there has been an update.   Most of the time, this is done behind the scene and the shop won't have to do anything.  If they do need to run the update ALL workstations MUST be out of the program.

Include in Invoice Profit Calculation

Check the following boxes to include them in the Repair Order Profit Calculation.
  1. Cores
  2. Sublets
  3. Supply Charges
  4. User Charges

Profit Percentage Targets

  1. Enter a Labor Profit Percentage Target to base the labor operations profitability calculation which will turn the profit monitor button to green if reached, or red if the labor profit is below this target percentage
  2. Enter a Repair Order Profit Percentage Target to base the repair order profitability calculation which will turn the profit monitor button to green if reached, or red if the repair order profit is below this target percentage.  
  1. Check the box "Use Due Date for Recommended Services" to enter a due date so you can notify a customer that you've recommended a repair(s) that have not been done.  By using a "due date" you can run reports of recommended services not done.
  2. Check the box "Require Due Date on all Recommended Services" this will prompt that the due date wasn't entered when saving the recommendation and that one needs to be entered before the recommendation can be saved.
  3. Check the box "Ask if Service Was Declined", this will allow you to track the "declined" reason why the customers are not authorizing recommended repairs.  The "Declined Services Report" can be viewed to see those declined recommendations.
  1. Use the radio button to choose "Show all recommended services XX from today".  This will show all recommendations regardless of the due date.
  2. Use the radio button to choose "Only show recommended services due".   Used the spin dial to choose how many days out your want the recommendations due.  If you leave it 0, none of the recommendations will show on the printed repair order.

Sort Order for Lists and Printer Repair Orders

Use the radio button to choose:
  1. In the order added, with drag and drop to change the order
  2. By due date
You can set canned recommendation due dates so when you're in a repair order and the customer or service advised decides to way 30 days for example you can create a canned Recommendation 30 days.  When in the repair order all you would need to do is select the Recommended 30 days and the program will calculate the due date.  You can create different canned due dates by the following:
  1. Day
  2. Year
  3. Miles/Km 
  4. Odometer
To view the different canned jobs in the setups you can view them by:
  1. All
  2. Day
  3. Year
  4. Miles/Km
  5. Odometer


Default type of kit to view when called from RO

MaxxTraxx has the capability of building kits, you can default the type of kit you want to view when adding them from a Repair Order:
  1. All Kits
  2. Kits for a Range of Vehicle
  3. Generic Kits
Check the box to Select all sub-items on a kit when the parent item is selected.

Tire Pressure

Use Tire Pressure

Check the box "Use Tire Pressure Regulation On Repair Orders By Default" to require the readings to be entered and printed on the Repair Order.

Add the method of the pressure reading in the box for the "Tire Pressure Unit of Measure."  For example PSI.

Default Regulation Setting for New Repair Orders

Change the radio button to:
  1. Pressure Checked
  2. Pressure Not Checked
  3. Customer Declined

Default Text Printed On Repair Order

Enter the text to print for the:
  1. Pressure Checked  -  For example Tire pressure check was done by a shop technician.
  2. Pressure Not Checked - For example:  Check not performed due to tire unsafe.
  3. Customer Declined -  For example,  Customer declines tire inflation service or affirms they have performed a tire pressure check/inflation service within the last 30 days, or will perform it within the next 7 days.

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      Start (Add) A New Repair Order Service Writing is a vital business process that shops use constantly throughout the day to create estimates and repair orders in order to document work performed, invoice a customer and collect payments. In MaxxTraxx, ...
    • Did You Know - You can copy technician comments from the Job Clock screen and place them on a repair order.

      Did You Know You can copy technician comments from the Job Clock screen and place them on a repair order. Technicians occasionally write comments in Job Clock that would be useful on a repair order. How do you get them there? Simply copy and paste. ...
    • Did You Know - It is a good time to review your Repair Order layout.

      With the release of MaxxTraxx 9.0, several changes have taken place to the look and feel of the program. While you are getting used to the new features, take a look at your repair order and parts counter invoice legal requirements. The following ...
    • How to Save the Repair Order and Create a Purchase Order

      If you are using the Order Parts feature of MaxxTraxx, you can create a Purchase Order from the Repair Order for those parts on that particular Repair Order. Low Inventory and Purchase Warning Setups need to be checked in this Workstation Setups ...
    • Add (Build) A Job On A Repair Order

      Add (Build) A Job On A Repair Order Section 1: Introduction And Clarification Service Writing in MaxxTraxx is vital to a shop's daily business processes in order to create repair orders that document and invoice for services provided, products sold ...