Search For Open Or Expired Quotes

Search For Open Or Expired Quotes

Search For Open Or Expired Quotes

Two Options Available

There are 2 ways to search for active and expired Quotes in MaxxTraxx.
The first and quickest way is to launch a search from the main Service Counter or Schedule.
The second involves locating and opening up a Customer's record. The benefit there is that only their quotes are listed.
At the far left-hand side about halfway down, click the Search button. Option #2, in the middle, is Search For Service Counter Quotes. Click that to bring up the "Quotes" search window.
From here, one can search by different criteria separated into tabs which are displayed from left to right across the top.
They include; Customer NameQuote DateQuote Number, Vehicle License and Year, Make, Model.
Click the desired tab and input the query into the field provided. If a field is colored white, it is clickable and fillable.
However, if there is a "Locator" field present, it is slightly gray, which means it's not clickable for input. With locator fields, one just starts typing.
The typed characters will appear in the locator field. Use the backspace key to make corrections.
Note: The "Customer Name" tab's default search method is by customer last name. However, if the "Use Wildcard Search" box is checked, characters input can be found if they reside anywhere in the first name, last name or company name fields.

On the Quote Date tab, one can input a date range or input a single date into the "End Date" field, then click the Find button to locate.
Using the Year/Make/Model tab allows one to search by any, some or all of the available search criteria.
Additionally, there is an option at the top right to "View Expired Quotes". Clicking that box will display all expired quotes in red.
Finally, when search results are brought up, double-click the item to open it up or click the View/Edit Quote or Print Quote button.

Search From Customer Record

The other way to locate quotes is to navigate directly to the Customer's account in MaxxTraxx.
For review, here's how to get there.
Click on Customer List from either the Quick Picks shortcuts bar or the Customer menu item at the very top.
Locate the Customer's record using any of the search method tabs available. Customer Name, License, Unit#, VIN, Phone or even Year,Make,Model.
All of the search options (except Year,Make,Model) use a locator box which means one just starts typing the query. There's no need to place the mouse cursor in that box as it's not clickable.
Additionally, those same search options all allow one to click the "Use Wildcard Search" box to locate characters wherever they appear in certain fields.
Once a customer record is located, use a double-click to open it up or click the Edit button towards the bottom left.
At the bottom of the "Customer Record" window that opens up, is a section that lists all the vehicles associated with that account.
Find the vehicle in question and make sure its line is highlighted, then either right-click on it or click the Vehicle Options button at the left. That will bring up a context menu. A little more than halfway down there is a Quotes selection.
Click Quotes to display any open quotes related to that vehicle.
There is also a way to display expired quotes in both the Customer record and from the Search button on the Service Counter.
Activate that by checking the "View Expired Quotes" box in the upper right-hand corner.

Summary And Video Tutorial

Hopefully you found the preceding written article helpful. Everyone learns differently so here is a quick video visual learning tool, as well.

As always, the Support Team is here if you have questions or need help.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 5am to 5pm PST. (Excluding Holidays)
Phone: 800-996-9777, Option #1
Or start a Chat from our website HERE

Thank You for Your Time and Have a Great Week!
-The MaxxTraxx Team

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