Setting up a company credit card

Setting up a company credit card

You can set up a company credit card to pay vendor invoices and other bills in Maxx Traxx. 

First go to the Vendors tab and click the Vendor List box:

In the Vendor Search box click on Add Vendor:

Enter the information for the credit card you want to use. 
It is always best to input as much information as possible. The only required items are Company and Vendor Code.

When you get to the Account tab locate the A/P Account line and click the Use Special Account radio button:

This will open the G/L Chart of Accounts window. Type in "20300' or scroll down until you find account 20300 Credit Card payables. Highlight that line and click the Edit box:

This will open the G/L Accounts window. Find the account Type dropdown and highlight the Credit Card Liability line. You can also change the description if desired. Click Save when done. 

The next time you need to pay a bill, you will find the company credit card set up in the Payment Method drop down. 

If you have more than one company credit card it is best to give a separate GL credit card liability account instead of all of them to account 20300.

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