Start (Add) A New Repair Order

Start (Add) A New Repair Order

Start (Add) A New Repair Order

Service Writing is a vital business process that shops use constantly throughout the day to create estimates and repair orders in order to document work performed, invoice a customer and collect payments.
In MaxxTraxx, this process is simple, logical and relatively quick to perform once the process is understood.
Detailed below are the steps required to add a new estimate or repair order and begin writing up work.
Special Notice: Repair Orders are used for jobs starting immediately. To schedule a Customer for work to be performed on a future date, use the Add A New Appointment function.
A Knowledge Base article for that, along with a video tutorial, is found HERE.

Section 1: Start The Add Repair Order Process From The Service Counter

From the main Service Counter or Schedule, click the + Repair Order button found at the top on left-hand side.
This will launch the "Customer Search Wizard".
The default search method is set to Customer Last Name and/or Company Name.
However, one can also activate the very useful "wildcard" search function by checking the box next to "Use Wildcard Search". This will find the items entered whether they're found in the First/Last Name or Company name fields.
Additionally, there are other options available, running across the top separated into tabs.
One can search by License PlateUnit#VINPhone and even Year/Make/Model.

Section 2: Search For An Existing Customer

To begin a search by the last name/company name default, input the first few characters to locate.
Note: There is no need to place the mouse cursor in the "Locate" box. Just begin typing. This applies to all search functions in MaxxTraxx where there is a "Locate" or search box displayed. Typed characters will appear there.
If the Customer is found, and the entry is highlighted in blue, click the Next button at the lower right or tap your keyboard's Enter key to accept and move to the next step.
This is where one will either select an existing vehicle associated with that Customer's record or add a new one, which is covered in Section 4.
Once that's completed, click OK to proceed to Section 5.
Note: In MaxxTraxx, when a button is bordered or highlighted in blue, that means one can simply tap the "Enter" key to accept and proceed.
If the Customer is NOT found, click the Add Customer button at the lower left corner to start the process.
That is covered in Section 3 next.

Section 3: Add A New Customer To MaxxTraxx

When the Add Customer button is clicked it will launch the "Customer Add Wizard".
This first screen asks to define the customer by type. That will either be a "Person" or a "Company".
Select one and click Next to proceed.
Here, enter your Customer's First and Last Name -or- Company NameThese are required fields so input here is necessary to move ahead. Click Next.
Note: Everywhere in MaxxTraxx where there is a red asterisk (*) next to a field, that signifies required input.
The following screen prompts for additional information like address and email. Nothing here is required to proceed so one can simply click Next when ready.
Here it asks for phone information. These fields are optional, too, so click Next when done.
The "Details" screen contains options for adding a resale number or changing the default price or tax code.
Also, there is an option to add a driver license number.
Only one field on this page is required, which is the "Price Code", and that is already set to the company default for us. We can change the Customer's part price code here if desired too.
Click Next to continue.

Section 4: Add A Vehicle To A Customer Record

At the "Select Vehicle" dialog box, one must add a vehicle to complete the addition of a new customer -or- to add one to an existing customer.
If the CarFax tools are turned on, the default search is set to "License Plate" along with the 2-letter "State" abbreviation. This locates the vehicle information using a combination of CarFax and ACES vehicle tables.
Many shops find this the quickest way to pull the Year, Make, and Model and Engine of a vehicle as well as the VIN.
Special Notice: The free CarFax tools integration must be activated in Setups first, in order for the License plate and VIN decoding lookups to function.
However, there are other search options running down the left-hand side separated into tabs.
One can manually enter the Year, Make and Model of the vehicle
One can also search strictly by the VIN.
Or, a Custom Vehicle can be created and added to the system which is totally definable by the user. This comes in very useful for shops that service items like Heavy Equipment, Tractor/Trailers, Farm machinery, and more.
Once a "vehicle" is created and saved, it's "Master Record" will display for confirmation. This screen allows one to add even more details like a Unit#, or transmission, chassis and drive types...just to name a few examples.
Once satisfied, click the OK button here to finalize the addition of a new Vehicle to a Customer's permanent record.

Section 5: Save The New Repair Order To Assign Next Number

Once a Customer is chosen or created and a vehicle is selected or added, the Repair Order or Service Writing screen opens up.
The main window at the top, where the jobs will go, is blank and waiting for input.
To save a newly created Repair Order (which will also automatically assign the next invoice number in line based on setups), click the OK button at the bottom right corner of the screen. Then, at the top of the list, click Save Only.
This concludes this tutorial about creating, starting or adding a new Repair Order.
To learn how to put together jobs on a newly created Repair Order please refer to a Knowledge Base article or video called Add Or Build A Job On A Repair OrderClick HERE.
To learn more about the Repair Order screen in general, please refer to the Knowledge Base (KB) article or video called Edit A Repair Order And RO Screen Overview. Found HERE.

Section 6: Video Tutorial

A video tutorial is available as well below, for different learning styles. One can use as review to fully understand the Repair Order creation process.

As always, the Support Team is here if you have questions or need help.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 5am to 5pm PST. (Excluding Holidays)
Phone: 800-996-9777, Option #1
Or start a Chat from our website HERE

Thank You for Your Time and Have a Great Week!
-The MaxxTraxx Team

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