Vehicle Options

Vehicle Options

In Vehicle Options you can create an appointment, write a new Repair Order, Add / Edit / Delete a vehicle, view the history and many more.  To get to the Vehicle Options go to:

  1. Click on “Quick Picks", "Customer List" or from the top tool bar click "Customer", "Customer List"
Enter Search for criteria.  You can put in the customer’s whole information or just the first few letters in the Name Locator  entry field and names that fit that criteria will pop up.  Double click on your customer.  To search by first name, check the box "Use WildCard Search" next to the Name Locator box.   
Just start typing no cursor shows in the Name Locator box.
  1. Double click on  the Customer
  1. If the customer has more than one vehicle, highlight the vehicle you want to view.  You can either right click on the highlighted vehicle or click the “Vehicle Options” button.
  1. A list of “Vehicle Options” will pop up.

Add Appointment

  1. Click on “Add Appointment” and the “Appointment Information” filter will pop up to create the appointment.

Write New Repair Order:  

Click on “Write New Repair Order”.  If you have prompts turned on for “Asked When Opening a Repair Order”, the items you have checked will pop up in the “Update Repair Order Information” box.  The customer and vehicle information with automatically transfer to the Repair Order.  At this point you can build your Repair Order or click Save. 
Note:  To turn on/off “Asked When Opening a Repair Order” prompts go to:  Setups / Repair Orders & Part Invoices / R/O Setup / Ask When Opening a Repair Order (Top right of the page).

Add Vehicle:  

Click on “Add Vehicle” to add a new vehicle to the customer.  This will bring up the “Select Vehicle” box to search your vehicle by

  1. Year, make
  1. License (need Carfax feature for this)
  1. VIN
  1. Custom Vehicle

Edit Vehicle: 

  1. This will bring up the “Vehicle Information” screen where you can edit most of the information.

Delete Vehicle: 

  1. You will be able to “Delete” the vehicle highlighted.

Vehicle Notes 

  1. This will bring up the “Vehicle Information” screen.  The ‘Vehicle Notes” are internal notes in the vehicle record for reference only.  Click in the “Notes” field to add notes to the vehicle record.  These notes do not print on Repair Orders or Part Invoices.  Click SAVE.


This will open the “Repair Order History” window that lists all repair orders for the selected vehicle.  This list also includes any Open or Voided Repair Orders.   There are three buttons on the bottom left

  1. Labor History –  Click on the “Labor History” button to open the “Labor History” window to view labor code, description, status, repair order number, invoice date, date paid, quantity and price of all labor operations performed on this vehicle.  Within the “Labor History” view there is a “Detail” button.  Clicking the “Details” button in the lower left corner displays the details about the highlighted labor service including full printed description and technician(s) who performed the labor service.  Click the Close button to return to the Labor History window. 
  1. Part History – Click the “Part History” button to open the “Parts History” window to view part number, description, status, repair order number, invoice date, date paid, quantity and price of all parts installed on this vehicle.  Within the “Parts History” view there is a “Detail” button.  Click the “Details” button in the lower left corner to display details about the part including discounts, warranty discounts, and add-on charges.  Click the close button to return to the “Part History” window.  Click Close again to return to the “Repair Order History” window.
  2. View Repair Order - Click the " View Repair Order" this will view the RO that is highlighted.


The Marketing section is where Letters and Postcards are selected and scheduled to be sent to the customer on a future date. If there are letters or postcards scheduled for this vehicle, they will be listed here.

  1. Add Letter/Postcard – Click the Add Letter/Postcard button to open the list of existing letters and postcards to select from and schedule for mailing.  Note:  To create new letter or postcard to add to the list, click Add Letter/Postcard in the Letters window.
  1. Highlight the letter or postcard to be sent to this customer regarding the selected vehicle.  
    Note:  Clicking the Edit or Delete button will only open the letter properties window.

  1. .Click the Edit Letter Text button to open the Word Processor window to make changes to the selected letter or postcard.  Click the Windows Close button in the upper right corner of the window to save the changes and close the word processor.  If changes were made, the prompt will ask to “Save Changes” select Yes.
  1. Click the Select button to open the “Marketing Letter” window and select the “Send Parameters” to schedule when to mail the letter or postcard using the radio buttons.  Select from the days listed, the mileage based on average miles driven, or click other to enter a specific number of days till the letter or postcard is scheduled to be sent.
  1. Click the OK button to save the Send parameter.  The letter or postcard will show on the list of letters and postcard scheduled for mailing to that customer.  On the date the letter or postcard is scheduled to be sent, there will be a note in the bottom tray of the screen stating for example “3 Marketing Letter to Send.”  This is a reminder to go to Print Letters and Postcards that Are Due (Marketing / Print Letters and Postcards that are Due) and print and send the letters or postcards for that date.
  1. Click the Delete button to remove the highlighted letter or postcard
  1. Click the Close button to return to the Customer Record window.


  1. Select “Recommendations” from the drop list to open the Recommendations window.  The vehicle service and repair recommendations are listed here till the recommendations are tagged and transferred onto a repair order.
  1. Click the “Add Recommendation” button at the bottom left to select a “Recommended Service” from the list of Vehicle Problems, Request for Service, or Recommended Services.  Use the tabs at the top of the Select Recommended Service window to select which service to be displayed.
  1. Highlight the service and click Select to add the service to the “Recommended Services” list for the selected vehicle.
  1. Click the “Add Free Form Recommendation button to add a service not on the list.  Entering Lead in Text and a Key Word is optional .  Enter a Printed Description for the recommendation and click OK.  Click the spell check function button to the right of the Printed Description entry field to use spell check. To track these recommendation by date you will need to turn on the "use due date for recommended services.  This will allow reports to be run. (See Recommend setups)
  1. Click the “Edit button to open the “Recommended Service” window for the highlighted recommended service and make changes.  Click the OK button to save your changes.
  1. Click the “Delete” button to remove the highlighted recommendation from the vehicles Recommendations list.
  1. Click the “Print” button to print the highlighted recommendation.
  1. Click the “View Details” button to display the recommendations details which included the labor and parts for this recommendation.
  1. Click the Close button to return to the Customer Record window.



  1. Select “Quotes” from the drop list to open the “Quotes” window to view quotes for the highlighted vehicle.  The quotes remain on the list until the quotes are converted to or added to a repair order or until the quotes expires.
Check the “View Expired Quotes” box to view old quotes. 
Note:  The prices in the expired quotes reflect the parts and labor prices at the time the quote was created.

  1. Click the “View/Edit” button to open the highlighted quote and make changes as needed.
  1. Click the “Save” button in the quote and select from the drop list to save the quote, save changes/additions to the quote, print the quote, make an appointment for the quote or convert the quote to a repair order.
  1. Click the “Delete” button to remove the highlighted quote.
  1. Click Close to return to the Customer Record window.

Sub Estimate

  1. Select “Sub Estimate” from the drop list to open the “Sub Estimates” window to view “Sub Estimates” for the highlighted vehicle.  The “Sub Estimates” will remain on the list until it is added to a repair order or deleted.
  1. Click the “View Details” button to open the “Sub Estimate” to view the labor and parts that are on the Sub Estimate.
  1. Click the “Print” button to print the highlighted Sub Estimate.
  1. Click the “Delete” button to delete the highlighted Sub Estimate.
  1. Click Close to return to the Customer Record View.

Vehicle History Report

  1. Select “Vehicle History Report” from the drop list to open the “Vehicle History Report” window to select the number of months to include in the report.  The report will print a list of all the repairs and services performed on a selected vehicle for the specified time period. 
  1. Key in or use the spin buttons to select the number of previous months to search over and include in the report.
  1. Check “Use Printed Labor Service Descriptions” box to print out the complete labor descriptions on the report.
  1. Check “Show Technicians With Labors” box to show which technician performed the repair.
  1. Check “Show Parts Detail” box to show the parts assigned to the repairs.  Click OK to run the report.

Transfer Vehicle

  1. Select “Transfer Vehicle” from the drop list to open the Confirm Window to verify the vehicle selected.  The vehicle transfer will move the vehicle’s record, history and any scheduled marketing letters to another customer record. 
    Note:  DO NOT Transfer any vehicles if they have an open repair order.  New customer must be in the customer list before you can transfer.  If they are not an existing customer, go to Customer Search and add the new customer.

  1. Click “Yes” to confirm that the selected vehicle is the correct vehicle to transfer and open the Select Customer window.

  1. Highlight the customer in the “Select Customer” window to move the vehicle record to and click the select button.  Click “Yes” to confirm the customer name and address that the selected vehicle record, history, and marketing letters will be transferred to.

Merge With Another Vehicle

  1. Select “Merge with Another Vehicle” from the drop list to open “Select Customer” window.  The “Merge with Another Vehicle” function allows a vehicle record to be merged with another vehicle record in case a vehicle is duplicated in the system. 
    Note:   The source vehicle (first one selected) is deleted after all its information is merged with the destination vehicle (second one selected).
  2. Select the “Customer” with the other vehicle to which the selected vehicle will be merged, double-click or highlight the customer name and click “Select” to open the “Select Vehicle” window.
  3. Select the “Vehicle” from the list that the initial selected vehicle is to be merged with and click Select to open the “Confirm Merge Vehicle” window. 

  1. Click “Yes” to confirm “Merge Vehicle” to merge all the history data from the source vehicle to the destination vehicle. And remove the source vehicle from the system.

Undelete A Vehicle

  1. The “Undelete a Vehicle” procedure explains how to open a customer record and undelete a vehicle.  The customer record has to be opened to access deleted vehicles to select that deleted vehicle and restore the vehicle record to an undeleted status. 
  1. Click on "Quick Picks", "Customer List" or click on "Customer" on the Tool Bar, "Customer List" to open the Customer Search Window

  1. Enter customer information, in whole or just the first few letters in the Name Locator criteria entry field and click OK or press the enter key. 

  1. Select the customer from the list by double-clicking the customer’s name or with the customer name highlighted, press the enter key to open the customer record window.
  1. Check the “Show Deleted Vehicles” box in the lower right of the Customer Record window to display deleted vehicles in red type under the Vehicles selection of the Customer Record.
  1. Right-click on the vehicle line to be undeleted and select “Undelete vehicle” from the drop list.  The vehicle will appear in black type once it has been restore to a “Undeleted Status.”

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